Do you have a burning question you’d like to ask an experienced and successful coach? Here’s your chance!

We won’t be able to publish the answer to every question we receive but we’ll answer as many as possible. If you need immediate assistance or have a question about our programs, please contact Admissions Advisor, Lisa Pisano at Laurie Cameron | Coach Training Alliance

I have an opportunity to have a display at a local event. What might you suggest that I include in the display?

Dr. Jackie Black| Coach Training Alliance

Do you recommend that coaches have blogs? Is it an alternative to sending out an e-zine?


What are some of the major issues that beginning coaches face?


How do I determine my coaching niche?

David Krueger | Coach Training Alliance

How can spirituality and charging a fee for coaching be compatible?

Laurie Cameron | Coach Training Alliance

How does a new coach gain credibility with clients, business owners and others?


How can you introduce a prospective client to the benefits of coaching?

Rhonda Hess | Coach Training Alliance

What are the average start up expenses for a coaching practice? What does certification cost? How do I get started?

David Meyer | Coach Training Alliance

Where can I get a list of questions to ask my client?

David Krueger | Coach Training Alliance

Why are bad choices so easy and good ones so hard?

Laurie Cameron | Coach Training Alliance

I’ve heard of ‘life coaches’ and ‘executive coaches’, but I’m not really sure what the difference is. Can you help me figure this out?

David Krueger | Coach Training Alliance

People tend to repeat known behaviors, even if they’re limiting. How can coaches help someone change?

David Krueger | Coach Training Alliance

Besides asking powerful questions, what else can coaches do to help their clients achieve success?

Nan Einarson | Coach Training Alliance

I am brand new to coaching, what’s the best way to overcome the question ‘How long have you been coaching’?

David Meyer | Coach Training Alliance

What is the most effective way to get your name known in the market place?

Laurie Cameron | Coach Training Alliance

What’s the general demographic of a person seeking life coaching support?

David Krueger | Coach Training Alliance

What are the common mistakes made in setting professional coaching fees?

Jennifer Powers | Coach Training Alliance

How does one choose the appropriate coaching program?


I know I can do this but don’t know where to begin. I have an Med. In Adult Education but feel like I need a Life Coach myself right now!

Laurie Cameron | Coach Training Alliance

How long does it typically take to get a coaching practice up and running and to become profitable?

David Meyer | Coach Training Alliance

I have noticed that many of your coaches have some degree in psychology or other PhD. What about those of us who do not have a degree? How will that impact our business?

Nan Einarson | Coach Training Alliance

Will I have to sabotage my own religious beliefs if they come in the way of helping the client?

Dr. Jackie Black| Coach Training Alliance

Can joining your certified coach program be accomplished over the phone from any location?

Jennifer Powers | Coach Training Alliance

For someone just starting out in coaching, what are some of the key mindsets that need to be changed?

Kristalyn Ryan | Coach Training Alliance

How can the one hour per week of coaching, on the phone and NOT face-to-face, be effective for a client?

Dr. Jackie Black| Coach Training Alliance

What’s an example of an undeniable benefit. What is a HUB statement?

Jennifer Powers | Coach Training Alliance

For someone just starting out in coaching, what are some of the key mindsets that need to be changed?

Kristalyn Ryan | Coach Training Alliance

How can the one hour per week of coaching, on the phone and NOT face-to-face, be effective for a client?

David Meyer | Coach Training Alliance

Can a coach bring their own wisdom and experience to a coaching session?

Nan Einarson | Coach Training Alliance

Can I start coaching as a part-time business? The fear of losing my steady income is overwhelming.

Kristalyn Ryan | Coach Training Alliance

What is the difference between Mentoring and Coaching?

David Meyer | Coach Training Alliance

How long does it take to establish a livable income by coaching?

Dr. Jackie Black| Coach Training Alliance

Is it possible to pursue this profession in a rural community of less than 4,000 people?

David Meyer | Coach Training Alliance

I would like to become a coach. Is it better to work for a corporation first and build my practice on the side, or to become a full time coach immediately?

Nan Einarson | Coach Training Alliance

I don’t have a degree. How do I get the training to coach about the simple things in life to everyday people?

What do I need to do to become a successful coach?

Nan Einarson | Coach Training Alliance

Do you see your clients in person? Why or why not?

How can I ask better coaching questions?

Jennifer Powers | Coach Training Alliance

How do you market yourself before you get to the point where clients refer other clients?

Dr. Jackie Black| Coach Training Alliance

What sorts of things should I include in my website?

David Krueger | Coach Training Alliance

I am 53 years old. Is it too late to start on this path?

I understand that all coaching relationships are different, but what generally determines how long a coaching relationship lasts?

Kristalyn Ryan | Coach Training Alliance

What are the advantages of being a “certified coach” in an arena that is unregulated?

David Krueger | Coach Training Alliance

What does a client really want from a professional coach?

How do you build a coaching practice from an abundance of personal experience?

  Nan Einarson | Coach Training Alliance

How do you deliver a plan of action without hurting the client’s feelings?

Dr. Jackie Black| Coach Training Alliance

How long does it take to become a Certified Life Coach?

  David Meyer | Coach Training Alliance

What is the best way to take notes during a session?