Chris Osborn

Chris Osborn

Chief Executive Officer

CHRIS OSBORN, is the Chief Executive Officer of Coach Training Alliance. Chris is a serial entrepreneur, executive and executive coach. His passion lies in growing businesses that aid in personal growth or business expansion of others. He has been widely recognized for his ability to lead change through organizational growth and strategic planning.

Chris currently serves as both a board member and in executive capacities of numerous organizations in the corporate and not-for-profit worlds. His experience varies widely from distance education and healthcare to e-commerce and financial services. He periodically authors material for the Coaching Compass and is the visionary and co-author behind the Human Capital Accelerator™. In addition to his work at CTA, Chris is licensed both as an Opposite Strengths® Executive Coach as well as a New Money Story Coach. Chris is a graduate of Phillips Exeter Academy and the University of California at Berkeley.

My Classes

Human Capital Coach Program
Co-Creative Leadership Program
Mentor Leadership Program
Coach Training Accelerator™