Executive Coaching
vs Consulting.

What’s the difference?

There is much confusion about what Executive Coaching is…

And isn’t.

Talking blog

Coach Training Alliance provides International Coaching Federation (ICF) approved coach specific training that teaches you how to apply coaching methods in this type of environment.

Executive Coaching does not “fix” people. It is rare that coaching can be deployed to “fix” those that deem to be in need of a quick change by their manager.

This type of coaching can provide dramatic short term impact for companies. But the reality is that it will take from 6-12 months of quality coaching to manifest sustainable changes.

Those that tell you that it can be done with quick consulting sessions are selling themselves rather than sharing a reality.

Executive Coaching is about individual planning, goal setting, and achievement in the context of leadership performance. It’s also about personal discovery and enlightenment. It is about realizing one’s full potential, which in turn, benefits the organization.

Coach Training Alliance encourages leaders, managers and coaches alike to commit to a path of lifelong learning and continuing education. Coaching skills are never the only tools on the belt, just some of the more critical ones to insuring growth and success of your team.

Our coaching programs not only encourage a disciplined approach to coaching, but also the marketing and business development skills to expand yours and your organization’s capabilities.

Is your organization struggling with any of the following challenges?

Here is how Coach Training Alliance can help you with…

Millennial Development

Employees were not as far along in their learning and understanding as they needed to be. Training managers to coach helped bridge the gap.   Young employees now feel comfortable scheduling sessions to work through blocks and can problem solve.

Denver Boy Scouts

Fast Growth/Merger

Our industry is growing very fast. We need our leadership team focused on strategy and newly appointed managers to step up and rise to challenges quickly. Training emerging leaders how to coach helped them shift into their new role immediately.

Mortgage Services Company

Industry Transition

Our company shifted from pure manufacturing to supply chain virtually overnight.  CoCreative Leadership training helped us set our focus on common goals and operate as a united entity, helping identify real blocks that had prevented  adopting new behaviors.

Manufacturing Company

 These are just a handful of examples how executive coaching can foster leadership. Executive Coaching can also be wielded with the fundamental goal of simply creating more effective leaders.

Coach Training Alliance encourages leaders, managers, and coaches alike to commit to a path of lifelong learning and continuing education.

Sign up for our free, no-obligations seminar to discover more about the path of becoming an Executive Coach

Sign up here for instant access to a previously recorded, high level discussion on executive coaching, and learn more about starting your journey in becoming an executive coach with Coach Training Alliance.

Or Start Your Coaching Journey Today

by Enrolling in our Certified Coaching Program Below


Emerging Leaders Newly promoted managers had a difficult time transitioning into their new role.  Training emerging leaders to coach helped them think strategically and understand how to develop the capability of their team members.

Social Media Marketing firm

Unsure of How to Coach Most of us had not had any training on how to coach but we were being asked to do more coaching with our direct reports. A customized workshop helped us quickly step into our role.  We now have a structure to hold productive and meaningful conversations. We have honest conversations about real challenges which has allows us to navigate them more quickly.

FAA Managers Association

Sales As an advisor, my clients expect me to provide the right answers.  Getting trained as a coach helped me to clarify and address their #1 priority during the discovery process. I now find myself collaborating with clients on a regular basis. This partnership has greatly elevated the relationship, increased sales and generated additional engagement opportunities.

Accounting Firm